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. After four years of secret negotiations on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) by the European Commission, the EU Parliament will finally be able to take position and vote on the agreement that threatens access to medicine for millions of people living with HIV all over the world. ACTA establishes a confusion between legitimate high-quality generics and counterfeit medicines and allows their seizure and destruction. It will jeopardize the procurement of cheap generic drugs and hinder the access to essential medicine that millions of sick people need to stay alive. During the last four years, the civil society stood up against this agreement by increasing the number of demonstrations and petitions around Europe. Within the EU Parliament, the five consulted Committees (Civil Liberties, Industry, Legal Affairs, Development and International Trade) stood against ACTA. On the 4th of July, the euro deputies will vote on the treaty in plenary session. They must draw consequences from the massive opposition to ACTA and definitively reject it as a whole. Signatories :
  • Act Up-Paris
  • Act Up Sud-Ouest
  • Actions Traitements
  • ALCOS Alliance Contre le SIDA
  • Coalition PLUS
  • Collectif Hépatites Virales
  • Ensemble pour une sante solidaire
  • GAPS
  • HF Égalité
  • HF Prévention
  • HomoFesty
  • Le patchwork des noms
  • Médecins du Monde – France
  • Sidaction
  • Solidarité Sida
  • Solthis