Ce contenu a 13 ans. Merci de lire cette page en gardant son âge et son contexte en tête.

Our association is currently undergoing a serious funding crisis. This has obliged us to cut our expenditure and
will shortly force us to reduce certain activities in order to survive. Less than a year from the presidential
elections, we are nonetheless convinced that the cause of people living with HIV and/or co-infected with
Hepatitis, and minorities serve as a deterrent to sarkozyism. Act Up-Paris needs everyone to mobilise, by
committing with us to the fight against AIDS, or by helping to fund our projects.

In 2010, our association decided to pre-finance the free publication of a guide « AIDS : back to basics », entirely written
by militants from our association, and targeting people living with HIV and medical workers.
We also decided to strengthen, in a strategic period, our advocacy on the prisons issue. Also, we have been continuing
certain of our activities, in particular, international activities for which we receive no specific funding from donors.

We do not regret these choices, as they have allowed us to obtain concrete results on research, prevention,
and access to healthcare for people living with AIDS in France and in developing countries.

In the past few months, we have obtained :

– On international issues :

  • FUNDINGS / jointly with the other French organizations, an increase of 20% of the French contribution to
    the Global Fund to fight AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis for the three next years,
  • ‘WAR ON PHARMA’ / that Bristol-Myers Squibb ensure the continuity of distribution of pediatric antiretroviral
    treatments last year after the closing of their French factories

– On national issues :

  • RESEARCH/ CO-INFECTIONS / that research is directed to the issue of co-infection by HIV and
    Hepatitis C, which has become the main cause of mortality among people living with HIV.
  • EQUAL RIGHTS / that the PACS (civil pact of solidarity) be recorded on death certificates.
  • DRUG USES / against government censure, we have imposed new measures to reduce the risks
    linked to drugs use, like low-risk consumption rooms
  • PRISONS / we have also imposed the need to release prison inmates so they can have access to vital

The pre-funded actions were a wager which we won in part politically. However, we are paying a heavy price: few of them
have been definitively funded, and we have had to pay for them from our own funds. The delay in payment from public
financing bodies has aggravated the situation: for the year 2011, we have advanced 100 000 euros to public

All of this threatens the activities for which we do not receive funding from backers, jeopardises others, and prevents us
from fully concentrating on our priorities and objectives.
At some months from the Presidential elections, and in a decisive period on particular issues, such as acces to
drugs and co-infections, your support is essential.
Although the political context and sarkozyism are not particularly favourable to sick people, we refuse to let it kill
us !

To help Act Up-Paris, you can :
– Join us
Send a donation online
– Fund our projects